Kusto.Explorer installation and user interface - Azure Data Explorer (2024)

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Kusto.Explorer is free software for download and use on your Windows desktop. Kusto.Explorer allows you to query and analyze your data with Kusto Query Language (KQL) in a user-friendly interface. This overview explains how to set up Kusto.Explorer, and describes the user interface you'll use.

With Kusto.Explorer, you can:

  • Query your data.
  • Search your data across tables.
  • Visualize your data in a wide variety of graphs.
  • Share queries and results by email or using deep links.

Installing Kusto.Explorer

  • Download and install the Kusto.Explorer tool from:

  • Alternatively, access your Kusto cluster with a ClickOnce-enabled browser at:https://<your_cluster>/?web=0Replace <your_cluster> with your cluster URI (for example, help.kusto.windows.net.)

Using Google Chrome and Kusto.Explorer

If Google Chrome is your default browser, installing the ClickOnce extension for Chrome is required.https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clickonce-for-google-chro/kekahkplibinaibelipdcikofmedafmb/related?hl=en-US

If your default browser is the Microsoft Edge, installing this extension isn't required.Validate your ClickOnce settings in Microsoft Edge flag settings.

Overview of the user interface

The Kusto.Explorer user interface is designed with a layout based on tabs and panels, similar to that of other Microsoft products:

  • Navigate through the tabs on the menu panel to perform various operations
  • Manage your connections in the connections panel
  • Create scripts to run in the script panel
  • View the results of the scripts in the results panel

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Connections panel

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The Connections pane shows all the configured cluster connections. For each cluster the databases, tables, and attributes (columns) that they store are shown. Select items (which sets an implicit contextfor the search/query in the main panel), or double-click items to copy the name to the search/query panel.

If the actual schema is large (such as a database with hundreds of tables), you can search it by pressing CTRL+F and entering a substring (case-insensitive) of the entity name you're looking for.

Kusto.Explorer supports controlling the Connection panel from the query window, which is useful for scripts. For example, you can start a script file with a command that instructs Kusto.Explorer to connect to the cluster/database the script queries, using the following syntax:

#connect cluster('help').database('Samples')StormEvents | count

Run each line using F5, or similar.

Work Documents panel

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The Work folders pane organizes your work folders in one place to make navigating your work easier. There are two types of work folders:

  • Unsaved work: lists folders for open query tabs that you may still be working on.
  • Tracked folders: lists folders from your local device that you can add as KQL libraries for easier access and management.

Menu panel

Home tab

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The Home tab shows the most frequently used operations. It includes:

Query section

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Mode dropdown
  • Query mode: Switches the query editor into a query mode. Commands can be written and saved as queries (default)
  • Search mode: A single query mode where each command entered is processed immediately and presents a result in the result panel
  • Search++ mode: Allows searching for a term using search syntax across one or more tables. Learn more about using Search++ Mode
New TabOpens a new tab for querying Kusto Query Language.

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Data To ClipboardExports Query and dataset to a clipboard. If a chart is presented, it exports the chart as bitmap
Result To ClipboardExports the dataset to a clipboard. If a chart is presented, it exports the chart as bitmap
Query to ClipboardExports the Query to a clipboard

Visualizations section

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For variable visualizations, see the render operator.

Area chartDisplays an area chart in which the X-axis is the first column (must be numeric). All numeric columns are mapped to different series (Y-axis).
Column ChartDisplays a column chart where all numeric columns are mapped to different series (Y-axis). The text column before numeric is the X-axis (can be controlled in the UI).
Bar ChartDisplays a bar chart where all numeric columns are mapped to different series (X-axis). The text column before numeric is the Y-axis (can be controlled in the UI).
Stacked Area ChartDisplays a stacked area chart in which the X-axis is the first column (must be numeric). All numeric columns are mapped to different series (Y-axis).
Time ChartDisplays a time chart in which the X-axis is the first column (must be datetime). All numeric columns are mapped to different series (Y-axis).
Line ChartDisplays a line chart in which the X-axis is the first column (must be numeric). All numeric columns are mapped to different series (Y-axis).
Anomaly ChartSimilar to Time Chart, but finds anomalies in time series data, using a machine learning anomaly detection algorithm. The data must be in fixed interval buckets. For anomaly detection, Kusto.Explorer uses the series_decompose_anomalies function.
Pie ChartDisplays a pie chart in which the color-axis is the first column. The theta-axis (must be a measure, converted to percent) is the second column.
Time LadderDisplays a ladder chart in which the X-axis is the last two columns (must be datetime). The Y-axis is a composite of the other columns.
Scatter ChartDisplays a point graph in which the X-axis is the first column (must be numeric). All numeric columns are mapped to different series (Y-axis).
Pivot ChartDisplays a pivot table and pivot chart that gives the full flexibility of selecting data, columns, rows, and various chart types.
Time PivotInteractive navigation over the events time-line (pivoting on time axis)

View section

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Full View ModeMaximizes the work space by hiding the ribbon menu and Connection Panel. Exit Full View Mode by selecting Home > Full View Mode, or by pressing F11.
Hide Empty ColumnsRemoves empty columns from the data grid.
Collapse Singular ColumnsCollapses columns with singular values.
Explore Column ValuesShows column values distribution
Increase FontIncreases the font size of the query tab and of the results data grid.
Decrease FontDecreases the font size of the query tab and of the results data grid.


Data View Settings:

Kusto.Explorer keeps track of what settings are used per unique set of columns. When columns are reordered or removed, the data view is saved and will be reused whenever the data with the same columns is retrieved. To reset the view to its defaults, in the View tab, select Reset View.

File tab

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---------Query Script---------
New TabOpens a new tab window for querying Kusto.
Open FileLoads data from a *.kql file to the active script panel.
Save To FileSaves the content of the active script panel to *.kql file.
Close TabCloses the current tab window
Import ProfileImport a Kusto.Explorer profile.
Export ProfileExport a Kusto.Explorer profile.
---------Save Data---------
Data To CSVExports data to a CSV (comma-separated-values) file.
Data To JSONExports data to a JSON formatted file.
Data To ExcelExports data to an XLSX (Excel) file.
Data To TextExports data to a TXT (text) file.
Data To KQL ScriptExports Query to a script file.
Data To ResultsExports Query and data to a Results (QRES) file.
Run Query Into CSVRuns a query and saves the results to a local CSV file.
---------Load Data---------
From ResultsLoads Query and data from a Results (QRES) file.
Query and Results To ClipboardExports Query and dataset to a clipboard. If a chart is presented, it exports the chart as a bitmap.
Result To ClipboardExports dataset to a clipboard. If a chart is presented, it exports the chart as a bitmap.
Query To ClipboardExports the Query to a clipboard.
Results To Clipboard (datatable())Exports query results to a clipboard. Maximal allowed cell value is 30000.
Clear results cacheClears cached results of previously executed queries.

Connections tab

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Add GroupAdds a new Kusto Server group.
Import ConnectionsImports connections from a file specifying connections.
Export ConnectionsExports connections to a file.
Add ConnectionAdds a new Kusto Server connection.
Edit ConnectionOpens a dialog for Kusto Server connection properties editing.
Remove ConnectionRemoves the existing connection to Kusto Server.
RefreshRefreshes properties of a Kusto server connection.
Import ProfileImport a Kusto.Explorer profile.
Export ProfileExport a Kusto.Explorer profile.
Inspect Your ADD PrincipalShows currents active user details.
Sign-outSigns-out the current user from the connection to Microsoft Entra ID.
---------Data Scope---------
Caching scope
  • Hot DataExecute queries only on hot data cache
  • All Data: Execute queries on all available data (default).
DateTime ColumnName of a column that may be used for time pre-filter.
Time FilterValue of time pre-filter.

View tab

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Full View ModeMaximizes the work space by hiding the ribbon menu and Connection Panel. Exit Full View Mode by selecting Home > Full View Mode, or by pressing F11.
Increase FontIncreases the font size of the query tab and of the results data grid.
Decrease FontDecreases the font size of the query tab and of the results data grid.
Reset LayoutResets the layout of the tool's docking controls and windows.
Rename Document TabRename the selected tab.
---------Data View---------
Reset ViewResets data view settings to its defaults.
Explore Column ValuesShows column values distribution.
Focus on Query StatisticsChanges the focus to query statistics instead of query results upon query completion.
Hide DuplicatesToggles removal of the duplicate rows from the query results.
Hide Empty ColumnsRemoves empty columns from the query results.
Collapse Singular ColumnsCollapses columns with singular values.
Row SelectionEnables selection of specific rows in the Results panel
Color By ColumnGroups identical records in the first column by color.
Wrap TextFormats cells to wrap the data to fit the column width.
---------Data Filtering---------
Filter Rows In SearchToggles the option to show only matching rows in query results search (Ctrl+F).
VisualizationsSee Visualizations.


Data View Settings:

Kusto.Explorer keeps track of the settings used per unique set of columns. When columns are reordered or removed, the data view is saved and will be reused whenever the data with the same columns is retrieved. To reset the view to its defaults, in the View tab, select Reset View.

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Enable IntelliSenseEnables and disables IntelliSense on the Script Panel.
Issues ListLists issues in the Script panel.
Add New AutomationProduces an analysis report that provides insights about the query.
Command-line toolsOpens the command prompt on your computer.
Compress LZ4 fileCompresses files using the LZ4 algorithm.
Decompress LZ4 fileDecompresses files using the LZ4 algorithm.
Analytical ReportsOpens a dashboard with multiple pre-built reports for data analysis.
Query to Power BITranslates a query to a format suitable for using in Power BI.
Reset OptionsSets application settings to default values.
OptionsOpens a tool for configuring application settings. To learn more, see Kusto.Explorer options.

Table row colors

Kusto.Explorer tries to interpret the severity or verbosity level of each row in the results panel and color them accordingly. It does this by matching the distinct values of each column with a set of known patterns ("Warning," "Error," and so on).

To modify the output color scheme, or turn off this behavior, from the Tools menu, select Options > Results Viewer > Verbosity color scheme.

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Excel color scheme legendVivid color scheme legend
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Monitoring tab

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Cluster DiagnosticsShows a health summary for the Server Group currently selected in Connections Panel.
Latest data: All tablesShows a summary of the latest data in all tables of the currently selected database.
Latest data: Selected tableShows in the status bar the latest data in the selected table.

Management tab

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---------Authorized Principals---------
Manage Database Authorized PrincipalsEnables managing a database's principals for authorized users.
Manage Table Authorized PrincipalsEnables managing a table's principals for authorized users.
Manage Function Authorized PrincipalsEnables managing a function's principals for authorized users.

Help tab

Kusto.Explorer installation and user interface - Azure Data Explorer (18)

HelpOpens a link to the Kusto online documentation.
What's newOpens a document that lists all Kusto.Explorer changes.
Report IssueOpens a dialog with two options:
  • Report issues related to service
  • Report issues in the client application
Keyboard ShortcutsOpens a link to the list of Kusto.Explorer keyboard shortcuts.
Show EULAOpens a link to the Microsoft Azure Legal Information article.

Control the user identity connecting to Kusto.Explorer

The default security model for new connections is Microsoft Entra ID-Federated security. Authentication is done through the Microsoft Entra ID using the default Microsoft Entra user experience.

If you need finer control over the authentication parameters, you can expand the"Advanced: Connection Strings" edit box and provide a validKusto connection string value.

For example, users with a presence inmultiple Microsoft Entra tenants sometimes need to use a particular "projection"of their identities to a specific Microsoft Entra tenant, which can be done throughthe connection string (replace words IN CAPITALS with specific values):

Data Source=https://CLUSTER_NAME.kusto.windows.net;Initial Catalog=DATABASE_NAME;AAD Federated Security=True;Authority Id=AAD_TENANT_OF_CLUSTER;User=USER_DOMAIN
  • AAD_TENANT_OF_CLUSTER is a domain name or Microsoft Entra tenant ID (a GUID) of the tenant in which the cluster is hosted. For example, contoso.com.
  • USER_DOMAIN is the identity of the user invited into that tenant (for example, user@example.com).


The domain name of the user is not necessarily the same as that of the tenant hosting the cluster.

Kusto.Explorer installation and user interface - Azure Data Explorer (19)

Related content

  • Using Kusto.Explorer
  • Kusto.Explorer keyboard shortcuts
  • Kusto.Explorer options
  • Troubleshooting Kusto.Explorer
  • Kusto.Explorer code features
  • Kusto Query Language (KQL)
Kusto.Explorer installation and user interface - Azure Data Explorer (2024)
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