Gorilla Tag Can't Buy Shiny Rocks (2024)

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Gorilla Tag Can't Buy Shiny Rocks

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Gorilla Tag Can't Buy Shiny Rocks (1)


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‎05-26-202302:34 PM - last edited on ‎07-25-202408:55 PM by Gorilla Tag Can't Buy Shiny Rocks (2)LaserDisk

I am trying to buy shiny rocks on Gorilla Tag at the ATM with my secondary meta account profile and it won't let me. But with my main Meta account profile it will. Does anyone know how to purchase shiny rocks at the ATM in Gorilla Tag with a Meta secondary account profile?


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‎05-29-202310:27 AM

Howdy there, @GreatOne1421! We completely realize that you are having difficulties. When using your extra accounts to purchase shiny rocks. Since secondary accounts cannot make in-app purchases, you must claim the game in order for our system to not think you're app-sharing it. Please keep us updated on how things proceed so we can determine if any more steps are required.

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‎05-29-202310:27 AM

Howdy there, @GreatOne1421! We completely realize that you are having difficulties. When using your extra accounts to purchase shiny rocks. Since secondary accounts cannot make in-app purchases, you must claim the game in order for our system to not think you're app-sharing it. Please keep us updated on how things proceed so we can determine if any more steps are required.

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‎05-30-202312:34 PM

Hello there! We're reaching back to see if you were able to complete your purchase for shiny rocks. For your secondary account. If you still need further assistance, Please let us know, and we'll be more than delighted to continue assisting you.

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‎05-30-202302:31 PM

Hello, yea I did what you said and it worked!! Thank you!!!!


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Gorilla Tag Can't Buy Shiny Rocks (11)MetaQuestSupport

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‎05-30-202302:37 PM

It's wonderful to hear that our suggestions were helpful. Please contact us if you have any further questions or issues, we would be pleased to assist you. Until next time, take care. We wish you and your loved ones nothing but the best in the days ahead.

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‎06-05-202308:00 PM

when i try to buy shiny rocks i have a visa gift card and i put all the info in and i'm buying 20$ worth and i have 25 in the card and it's declining the card is active and i contacted visa and they have almost no info

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Gorilla Tag Can't Buy Shiny Rocks (14)MetaQuestSupport

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‎06-06-202303:48 PM

@ray126, While we do not have the option to use VISA gift cards on our website, we do offer a few different methods on how to make payments on our online store. We'll go ahead and list our payment method requirements below.
Credit/Debit Cards: American Express, MasterCard, and Visa PayPal.

In addition to that, you'll need to make sure of the following:

  • The card must be associated with a billing address
  • The card must be able to have funds added/reloaded to it (e-cards and virtual MasterCard's should work, but most Gift cards do not have this option)
  • There cannot be purchasing restrictions placed on the card
  • The network cannot have any purchase restrictions to prevent online payments
  • And postal codes that do not follow the correct format will result in "invalid postal code"

If this doesn't help, please head over to our PMs so we can work this out with you. You can reach us by selecting our name to get to our profile page, or click here. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!


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Gorilla Tag Can't Buy Shiny Rocks (16)MetaQuestSupport

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‎06-07-202303:54 PM

Let us know if this ended up working for you. If you have trouble remember that you can always message us over PM's.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!


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‎09-16-202310:47 AM

I really want shiny rocks because when I first get on gorilla tag my shiny rocks are at the same thing it’s the one 400 shiny rocks. It takes a long long long long long time to put more shiny rocks in my account so I wish I was the moderator for, I can have fun with mods in my gorilla private code


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‎10-05-202301:56 PM

HEY meta quest how do I claim the game


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Gorilla Tag Can't Buy Shiny Rocks (2024)


Why can't I purchase shiny rocks? ›

Only the account that owns the game is able to do this. In order to make purchases on secondary accounts you would need to purchase the game again for that account. We hope this has helped answer your question.

View More
How many shiny rocks can you get for $10? ›

Players have the option to purchase Shiny Rocks from an in-game ATM. The exchange rate is: $5.00 – 1,000 Shiny Rocks. $10.00 – 2,200 Shiny Rocks.

View Details
How much is 1000 shiny rocks in Gorilla Tag? ›

You'll see that $5 is 1,000 Shiny Rocks.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.