Completing the admission procedure (2024)

The first-time admission to bachelor, diploma and master programmes at the University of Vienna is currently only possible online by prior appointment. The admission is carried out viavideo chat with the Admission Office.

Read theinformation about the admission procedurecarefully before booking an appointment! By the time of your appointment, you must have completed the steps of the admission procedure.

The admission period for the winter semester 2024/25 starts on 11 July. Appointments can be booked no earlier than 21 days in advance.

Completing the admission procedure (1)

Appointments can be booked no earlier than 21 days in advance.

Page content

  • When do you need to book an appointment?
  • Prerequisites for your online appointment
  • How do you complete the admission procedure?
  • Step 1: Book an appointment for online first-time admission
  • Step 2: Prepare for your appointment for online first-time admission
  • Step 3: Participate in the appointment
  • Step 4: After the appointment
  • Change or cancel your appointment
  • FAQ

What is possible by online appointment?

  • first-time admission to bachelor, diploma and master programmes for persons who have never studied at the University of Vienna
  • first-time admission to a non-degree programme for persons who have never studied at the University of Vienna
  • switching from a non-degree to a degree programme for "Nachmaturant*innen", that is persons whose secondary-school leaving certificate was issued late (only available in German)
  • checking the documents for admission to theStudienberechtigungsprüfung(studying without secondary-school leaving certificate)

What is not possible by online appointment?

  • collect information regarding admission and ask questions about documents and amendment requests
  • changing your degree programme
  • completing the admission to anadditional degree programme
  • resuming a degree programme
  • closing a degree programme or withdrawingfrom the University of Vienna
  • payingthe tuition fee/Students' Union fee
  • transferring from the VWU to the degree programme
  • presenting certificates of supplementary examinations
  • issuingconfirmationsand stamping student documents

Please use our othercontact options.

Prerequisites for your online appointment

  • You have already applied for admission in u:space.
  • Bachelor/diploma programmes without entrance exam procedure:
    • secondary-school leaving certificate and citizenship from an EU/EEA country or Switzerland: The appointment can take place right after the application in u:space.
    • secondary-school leaving certificate from a non-EU/EEA country: Only book an appointment, after you have received your admission letter.
    • secondary-school leaving certificate from an EU/EEA country and citizenship from a non-EU/EEA-country:
      If you submitted your application from 10 June to 31 July 2024, the appointment can take place right after the application in u:space.
      If you submitted your application from 1 August to 5 September 2024, only book an appointment, after you have received your admission letter.
  • Bachelor/diploma programmes with entrance exam procedure:
    • The written exam takes place: Only book an appointment after you have received the results of the written exam.
    • The written exam does not take place: You will receive further information after the end of the application period.
  • Master programmes: Only book an appointment, after you have received your admission letter.

How do you complete the admission procedure?

First, read all info on the booking and process of the appointment for online first-time admission carefully. Thereby, you are able to prepare well for your appointment. Currently, no appointments are available. You will be able to find a link to our appointment-booking tool at the bottom of this page from 18 December onwards.

Step 1: Book an appointment for online first-time admission

We strongly recommend: Book an appointment as early as possible after the beginning of the admission period. It is in your own best interest to do so. Please only book one appointment if you want to be admitted to multiple degree programmes of the same type of degree programme (e.g. two bachelor programmes).

Booking an appointment

This is how you use our appointment-booking tool

  1. Choose type of degree programme and service.
    • Bachelor/diploma programmes: choose the correct service, depending on the issuing country of your secondary-school leaving certificate
    • Master programmes: choose the correct service, depending on your citizenship
  2. Choose an appointment in the calendar. Appointments can be booked from 18 December 2023 onwards. Further appointments until the end of the admission period are continuously added.
  3. Enter the required contact details.
  4. Choose "Yes" at "Appointment via Microsoft Teams". Accept the Terms of Service and the Data Protection Declaration and book an appointment.
  5. You will receive a booking confirmation to the e-mail address you provided. Do not delete the booking confirmation! You can only participate in or cancel the appointment with your individual link which you receive in this e-mail.

Step 2: Prepare for your appointment for online first-time admission


  • I am using a laptop/PC

    The online appointment is carried out via the free software Microsoft Teams (MS Teams).

    • I am already using Microsoft Teams
      You can use the free app MS Teams for your appointment. It is frequently pre-installed on newer Windows devices.
      To ensure the ideal procedure of the appointment we advise: Do not install the app shortly before your appointment, but rather earlier. Otherwise you may miss your appointment. If you use the app you can also check the settings of your microphone and camera in advance.
    • I am not using Microsoft Teamsyet
      You can participate in the appointment using the following browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Vivaldi, Opera or Brave (or other Chromium based browsers). Do not forget to give your browser access to your camera and microphone.
      The video chat does not work with Mozilla Firefox or Safari. If you use one of these browsers, you have to install the app. To ensure the ideal procedure of the appointment we advise: Do not install the app shortly before your appointment, but rather earlier. Otherwise you may miss your appointment.

    You do not need to create a MS Teams account. You can participate in the appointment as guest. However, the MS Teams account has an end-to-end encryption, which means that the data protection is better. We therefore advise you to create an account, if you do not already have one.

    Check the data protection settings of your device. You have to allow apps to access your camera and microphone. Additionally, deactivate any possible pop-up blockers for the duration of the appointment.

  • I am using a mobile device (Smartphone/tablet)

    The online appointment is carried out via Microsoft Teams (MS Teams). If you use a smartphone or tablet, you can only participate in the appointment if you install the free app.

    You do not need to create a MS Teams account. You can participate in the appointment as guest. However, the MS Teams account has an end-to-end encryption, which means that the data protection is better. We therefore advise you to create an account, if you do not already have one.

    Check the data protection settings of your device. You have to allow apps to access your camera and microphone.

Please prepare all required documents and have them on hand as original or notarised copy

  • Your valid passport or personal ID card.
  • All documents you have uploaded in your application for admission in u:space.
  • If your secondary-school leaving certificate/higher education degree certificate is from a non-German speaking country, we will also check yourproof of German language proficiency. Prepare this document, even if you haven't uploaded it in your application. The same applies to your proof of English language proficiency.

Step 3: Participate in the appointment

  1. Ensure that you are in quiet environment. Your camera, microphone and internet connection have to be of high quality.
  2. Open your booking confirmation and enter the online waiting room with your individual link. You can enter the waiting area no earlier than 15 minutes before your appointment.
  3. By selecting "Check in" you confirm that you are ready for your appointment. Do not close your browser window under any circ*mstances! If you do so, you cancel your appointment and you have to book a new one.
  4. Once it is your turn, will notify by displaying the option "Start appointment". Choose this option to open the access to Microsoft Teams.
    1. You are using a laptop/PC? You will be asked, how you want to participate in the MS Teams meeting. Choose participating via the app or browser.
    2. You are using a mobile device (smartphone/tablet)? The app opens automatically after selecting "Start appointment".
  5. We will check your documents and preliminarily admit you to the degree programme.

If the admission via MS Teams is not accessible for you, due to disabilities, impairments and/or chronic diseases (nicht barrierefrei) please inform us as soon as possible via the contact form. In coordination with Team Barrierefrei (Team for Accessible Studies) a suitable solution will be found for you.

Online first-time admission

Step 4: After the appointment

Following the appointment, we will send you an e-mail to the address you've provided in u:space. There you can find your student ID number and information regarding the tuition fee/Students' Union fee, planning your semester and study organisation. You can also order your student ID, the u:card.

Change or cancel your appointment

Do not let your appointment expire. If you are unable or do not want to keep your appointment, please cancel it via the link in your booking confirmation. You will receive a cancellation confirmation. This may take a few minutes. By cancelling your appointment, other prospective students have the opportunity to complete the admission procedure and preparing for the semester in a timely manner.



  • In the appointment-booking tool it says "currently no appointments are available". How should I proceed?

    You can book appointments no earlier than 21 days in advance. The admission period of winter semester 2024/25 starts on 11 July. New appointments until the end of the admission period are continuously added. Please try again later or on another day.

  • I did not receive a booking confirmation via e-mail. What can I do?

    Sometimes the sending of the confirmation e-mail takes a few minutes. Also make sure to check your spam folder. Additionally, we will send you reminders 24 hours and 60 minutes before your appointment. These reminders contain all data you require for the appointment.

  • Checking in does not work. How can I solve this problem?

    Reload the page. Use the combination STRG + F5 if you are using a Windows device or CMD + F5 if using Mac OS. Thereby any old background data (cache) is deleted.

  • I booked an appointment at 10:00 a.m. It is 10:00 a.m. now, but checking in does not work. What is the problem?

    The appointment takes places at the time valid in Vienna at the time of the appointment (CET). If you are, for example, in Greece (CET + 1) the appointment takes place at 11:00 a.m. local time.

  • How long does the appointment take?

    You can check in the online waiting area 15 minutes before your appointment at the earliest. Afterwards, you have to wait until your number is called. The video call as such only takes a few minutes.

    Do not close your browser while you are waiting! If you close your browser the appointment is cancelled. You cannot check in again and have to book a new appointment.

  • I have an IB diploma or secondary-school leaving certificate from a school abroad ("Auslandsschule")

    Schools abroad are not geographically located in the country corresponding to the educational system they are guided by. The issuing country of IB diplomas is always Switzerland, regardless of the country in which you completed your diploma in. Therefore, please choose an appointment for "bachelor/diploma programmes with non-Austrian/German school-leaving certificate.

  • Which documents do I have to keep on hand?

    You have to have all documents that you uploaded in your application for admission in u:space on hand for your appointment.

    That is, in any case, your valid passport or personal ID card. Moreover (depending on the chosen degree programme and issuing country of the documents) your secondary-school leaving certificate, list of subjects, proof of German and/or English language proficiency, higher education degree certificate as well as the respective translations and legalisations are required.

  • Do I need to have a Microsoft Teams account?

    You do not need an MS Teams account. You can participate in the appointment as guest. However, the MS Teams account has an end-to-end encryption, which means that the data protection is better. We therefore advise you to create an account, if you do not already have one.

  • I am lacking the technical requirements for the online appointment. How can I complete the admission procedure?

    Ask somebody you know if you can use their devices. In case you cannot complete the online first-time admission, send us a written request via ourcontact formand specify the reasons.

  • Which language is used during the online appointment?

    Appointments can be carried out in German or English. You do not have to announce your preferred language in advance.

  • What happens during the appointment? Is it an interview?

    No, it is not an interview. To complete the admission, we must verify your identity and check your documents. Please prepare your documents in advance. You have to hold them into the camera, so we can see them clearly.

    No questions regarding your motivation to study or the contents of your degree programme will be asked.

  • Do I have to prepare for my appointment?

    Please follow the info given in step 2, further up on this age.

    • Ensure that your camera, microphone and internet work well.
    • Install a suitable browser or the app Microsoft Teams
    • Choose a quiet environment for your online appointment. Loud background noise will unneccessarily prolong the appointment.
    • Make sure that your internet connection is good and stable.
    • Keep your original documents or notarised copies thereof on hand.

Further information

  • Planning your semester
  • Who can you ask regarding... ?
  • u:card
  • Tuition fee/Students' Union fee
Completing the admission procedure (2024)


How do you answer a request for admission? ›

A responding party has four options: (1) admit; (2) deny; (3) admit in part and deny in part; or (4) explain why the party is unable to answer. It is possible to object to all or part of a request as well, but courts do not like parties who play “word games” to avoid responding. Further, Civ.

What happens if you fail to answer request for admissions? ›

If you do not respond,

This can often cause you to lose your case. If you respond that something isn't true, but then it's proven to be true at trial, you may be ordered to pay a fine, especially if the court finds that your response wasn't just a mistake. You have 30 days to respond to a Requests for Admission.

Do responses to requests for admission need to be verified? ›

Templates and Forms. Requests for admission are used to ask another party to admit that certain facts are true, or that certain documents are authentic. If admitted as true or authentic, these facts and documents do not need to be proven or authenticated at trial.

How do you survive the college admissions process? ›

  1. Tips for Handling College Application Stress.
  2. Don't Get Caught Up in Comparisons.
  3. Be Realistic.
  4. Recognize What You Can Control—and What You Can't.
  5. Get Outside Guidance.
  6. Prepare for Difficult Conversations.
  7. Take Care of Your Physical and Mental Health.
  8. More College Planning Resources.

How do you respond to an offer of admission? ›

It isn't necessary to reply to an offer of admission until you decide whether you will accept. If you feel you must reply, you can simply say something like "Thank you for letting me know. I will be sure to let you know my decision before the deadline."

What is a request for admission example? ›

For example, Party A sent a written request to Party B to admit that Party B was present on a particular date and time at a given location. An unqualified admission from Party B would be simply answering, "Yes, I was present in that location on that particular date and time."

What are examples of objections to requesting admission? ›

For example, a Request for Admissions that asks you to admit that your defenses lack merit. You may object if the request is asking for your analysis, strategy, or thinking about the case. A discovery request can ask what evidence the person knows, but cannot ask what a person thinks the evidence means.

Who signs responses to requests for admission? ›

(a) The party to whom the requests for admission are directed shall sign the response under oath, unless the response contains only objections.

Can you amend responses to a request for admission? ›

Section 2033.300 - Withdrawal or amendment of admission (a) A party may withdraw or amend an admission made in response to a request for admission only on leave of court granted after notice to all parties.

How many requests for admission can you have? ›

2033.030. (a) No party shall request, as a matter of right, that any other party admit more than 35 matters that do not relate to the genuineness of documents.

What is the rule 36 objections? ›

WRITTEN INTERROGATORIES - Objections. When objections are made to interrogatories or requests for admissions, before there is any court hearing regarding said objections, counsel for the Parties shall attempt in good faith to settle the objections by agreement.

What is the purpose of a request for an admission? ›

A Request for Admission asks the other side in your case to admit that a fact is true or that a document is authentic. If the other side admits that something is true or authentic, you will not need to prove that at trial.

Is college admissions getting harder? ›

If you are entering your junior or senior year of high school and hope to attend a selective college, we have some bad news for you. Getting into top colleges might get a whole lot harder in the next few years, as the number of prime college-age applicants in the U.S. is about to reach a generational peak.

What does the college admission process look like? ›

Applying to college typically involves taking standardized tests, writing personal statements, collecting letters of recommendation, and filling out applications.

What is the best way to get accepted into a college? ›

More Than Luck: 15 Ways To Improve Admissions Odds
  1. Know the Benchmarks for Choice Colleges.
  2. Take Challenging Courses.
  3. Maintain a Stellar GPA.
  4. Get Involved.
  5. Make an Impact.
  6. Reach Your Highest Test Scores.
  7. Make the Most of Your Summer Breaks.
  8. Build Relationships with Teachers and School Counselors.
Mar 14, 2024

How do you respond to an admissions interview request? ›

Thank you for the opportunity to interview with [College Name]. I am very excited about the possibility of attending [College Name] and look forward to discussing my application with you. Please let me know what dates and times you are available, and I will do my best to accommodate your schedule.

How do you respond to an admission office email? ›

Dear [Admissions Office/Name of Admissions Officer], I am writing to express my gratitude for being accepted to [College Name]. I look forward to the amazing experiences the institution will provide. I would like to confirm my acceptance and inform you that I will be attending [College Name] in the fall.

How do you answer college admission questions? ›

Here are some tips to help you ace your short answers:
  1. Don't repeat the question.
  2. Don't use unnecessarily large words. ...
  3. Answer honestly. ...
  4. Supplement your résumé. ...
  5. Always use details to bring even a short story to life.
  6. Don't be afraid of the word limit. ...
  7. Describe your personal growth. ...
  8. Be specific about each institution.

What are proper objections to requests for admissions? ›

For example, a Request for Admissions that asks you to admit that your defenses lack merit. You may object if the request is asking for your analysis, strategy, or thinking about the case. A discovery request can ask what evidence the person knows, but cannot ask what a person thinks the evidence means.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.